Sunday, February 27, 2011

Emily is 2

Emily turned 2 on February 20th. She did it with attitude, much like she does everything these days. Emily is more "2" than Gwen ever was. She's been "2" since she had that first temper tantrum at 8 months old as she crawled around on the floor following me around to make sure that I didn't miss any of it.

Her birthday was on a Sunday and all of my family was out of town for the President's Day extended weekend holiday. We just had a little family party at home. I had been at work the night before so I was tuckered out and came home and slept in the morning until church at 11:00. I went to help out with the girls during Sacrament meeting because they can be a handful. A few weeks ago I went and splurged on some quiet toys only to be used at church. It's really helped to keep them occupied and quiet at church. After sacrament meeting, we tried to drop her off at nursery - a usually delightfully easy process, which includes her dancing down the hall to the classroom, blowing us kisses, and shoving us out the doorway. It was quite different this time, she made it to the doorway and noticed that I was leaving and had a fit. Not a little fit that would quiet down either. Jonathan drove me home so that I could nap until they got home from church, and when he got back to the church the nursery leader was standing there holding a tantruming Emily. She got bored at Sunday school with Jonathan and must have realized that I wasn't coming back. By the time the nursery was having singing time she was ready to join them.

The rest of her birthday evening went really well. We watched movies and played. We had ice cream and pie - which she didn't like. Then as we were watching The Amazing Race and getting the girls settled for bed, my worked called begging me to come in and help them as they had 2 nurses not show up for work. I had to zoom off to the rescue.

Tomorrow is finally Emily's birthday party with her cousins. I've been looking forward to it all month, as it was supposed to be two weeks ago. Unfortunately, I forgot that I was scheduled to work tomorrow night so the activities might be cut a little short. It's been terribly busy at work these days. That's really a good thing because a few months ago it was hard to get enough shifts to get my hours covered. I'm sure it will get like that again in the coming months. Late winter and early spring are busy times for hospitals, what with all the flu and colds going around. I've been working 5 shifts a week lately and it's starting to take a toll on the kiddos. I'm really looking forward to summer when things slow down a little and I can spend more time with my lovies.

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