Friday, September 23, 2011

Another Tough Break for Emily

A couple weeks ago at church during nursery Emily broke her leg . . . again. Luckily? It was the other leg. She broke the right one near the ankle in February climbing up our dresser and pulling it on top of herself. This time she injured it in a mystery way since no one seems to know exactly what happened. They think she was jumping off the table and catching other kids doing the same, but who knows. It was actually broken right below the knee but the ER doctor and the orthopedic at Primary Children's missed the break. Not me. My gut told me that it was broken and it was her knee that hurt. The ortho guy said he'd cast it for three weeks to make us feel better but that it was probably overkill. It wasn't until we wen back, that they said they totally missed the break. It had healed just fine but it's no wonder she wouldn't walk in her cast for a couple weeks.

This is Gwen's favorite new toy. Her big wooden castle she got for her birthday. It's just perfect for her little princess toys that she loves to play with. Emily loves playing with it while Gwen's at school.

For our wedding anniversary this year we put a spin on our old classic tradition of going to the fair. We went and saw Weird Al Yankovic at the State Fair. Jonathan loves him and has all his CDs. I promised him that if he ever came to town we'd go see him. Turns out it was perfect timing.

Can't go to a concert without getting a shirt to prove that you did.

Gwen's favorite song of Weird Al's is "Fat" so I got a picture of him in his fat suit just for her.

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