Saturday, July 19, 2008

The "What's This?"

So, Heidi's Sam has a bad case of the toddler "Why's?" and at the same time Gwen has come down with her own version: the "What's this?". She constantly points to random things and asks "What's this?" only in her toddler speak it sounds like "Whaszis?" Today it started with her farm animal puzzle at 6:45 in the morning I might add. She held up each animal and quizzed Jonathan and me until we'd gone through them all about ten times each. That's how long it took to get her breakfast ready. Food slows down the questions but they still continued as she scooped out her yogurt with her fingers and separated the pieces of strawberry to ask "whaszis?" as she popped each one in her mouth. Luckily, Jonathan was feeling good enough to stay up with Gwen and I got to sneak back to bed for a few more hours. He took her shopping at the grocery store where he assured me that the "whaszis?" was in full effect as she pointed to everything in the store including the checkers and the people stocking the shelves. Thank goodness for Grandma who has spent all day with Gwen and the "whaszis?". I hope she doesn't end up catching it.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

The Grocery store! What was he thinking? The thousands upon thousands of "What's This" he must have had to endure! Poor poor, you. BTW (cute I talk computer talk now) I just called Grandma Buckholts, and Gwen was there in the back ground asking "What's This" Funny huh?