Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wheeler Farm

Wheeler Farm is one of Gwen's favorite places on Earth. We went there yesterday evening because the Terrible Two's have hit us hard this week for some reason. Gwen's been extra grumpy and clingy. She refuses to do anything she's asked even if it's something she wants to do. Her favorite word is no and it's all we hear these days. To counter our extra grumpy
nearly two year old, we've been spending more time doing her favorite things. We discovered that PetSmart is a wonderful and free place for a little one who loves animals when it's rainy and cold outside. One can only spend so many hours walking around the store watching the kitties and birds and saying "hi" to every single animal and person there. That's why we were so glad the rain cleared up so we could spend an evening at Wheeler Farm. It's also free and includes miles of little trails in case your kid is more active than ours. Gwen is content to sit in front of the animals and watch them forever. I remembered to take my camera and got some good pictures. She sure is cute even if she's quickly growing into a Terrible Toddler.The wagon rides end at 4:30 and we were there later than that but it didn't stop Gwen from climbing all over the wagons.

The sheep kept baaing at Gwen and she'd giggle and call them "silly". Just as I was taking this picture a bunch of kids ran around the corner. That's why she's not looking at the sheep anymore. The kids were more interesting anyway.

Looking at the bunnies with Mommy. Gwen still does that cute almost jump where one leg still stays on the ground.

Sitting on a bench watching the ducks and geese with Daddy. It was a wobbly bench and it was fun to scare Mommy by standing on it and making it wobble even more

You'd never guess that she's been super grumpy from her smile in this picture. Don't let her fool you. She's just thinking of ways to get into trouble.

Getting a piggyback ride with Daddy. She's actually squirming around trying to get down so she can run off.

So cute in her summer outfits. And so tall too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear that your little angel acts like a two-year-old too. It makes my little pint sized nutso seem more normal! He has been extra "two" lately...We're excited to come down and play with you guys in your pool soon!