Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Preschool for Gwen

I have been so on the fence about sending Gwen to preschool for the last year. Well, last week in spin class I'm sitting there and I start thinking about Gwen and preschool. I think it finally really hit me that she's going to be in kindergarten NEXT YEAR. She's going to be 4 when she starts school because her birthday is 2 days before the cut-off of September 1st. That means that unless there's another little kid with a birthday on the 29th or 30th of August she'll be the youngest kid in her class. There will be kids in there an entire year older than her with birthdays in September. So, I realized that she's already going to be at an age disadvantage and that most of the kids that start school have been in preschool for at least a year if not more.

I started to look into preschools and they're expensive - very expensive in some cases. Then my working mommy guilt kicked in full blown and I started to feel really bad that I'm not around to home school her like I would like and I don't make enough money to send her to a good preschool. Well, I gave myself a little kick in the pants and talked with some folks about preschool and decided that it was very important to me to have Gwen not at a disadvantage in school and we'd just have to make the money part of it work out. Plus, it would greatly ease my guilt if I knew that someone was teaching Gwen something everyday since I can't be there myself to do it. We applied to Granite school district and I got a call yesterday saying that she's going to start school next Monday at Frost Elementary in the afternoons 4 days a week. Also, we were approved for discounted tuition so yay for being poor, I guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let the "mommy guilt" in regards to school begin!! (Boo,hoo!) I'm a teacher and I'm still riddled with it. (My kids both attended 2 years of spectacular preschools and I'm STILL RIDDLED with it!!)
I guess my point is, no matter how rich you are, how much time you can or do spend teaching your kids, no matter when your kid happend to be born, you will STILL be riddled with "mommy guilt!" When we look around, we would still see other children who are "smarter" or doing better or have more of an opportunity than we can provide. Believe me! I see it for a living! (They are all feeling the same way, by the way.) The only people who don't seem to have it are a different personality than us and seem to care less about anything but themselves.
So, if its any comfort, you're not alone and no matter what, you'd feel it.
Happy thought, huh?
I KNOW Gwen will be wonderful in school! She has just the right combination of personality traits.