Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Mama is NOT a Swear Word

Gwen's favorite swear word these days is "mama". It's her word for "I'm tired and need a nap, RIGHT NOW!" and "my mouth hurts, make it stop." and "I won't eat these veggies, you can't make me." It's sad to hear her cry "mamamamamama" in pitiful tones as she tugs on your pantlegs to be picked up and cuddled. It's annoying to hear her mumble "mamamamama" as she pulverizes her carrots then sweeps them off her tray. I suppose that I should be glad that she's using my "name" at all, but I wish it wasn't her term for anything she doesn't like. To make things worse, her happy phrase is "dada". When she learned to climb up on the landing yesterday she happily proclaimed "dadadadada". When she's motoring toward some forbidden object like the dog's food, it's "dadadada" that bubbles from her smiling face. It's not fair. Mama is not a swear word, Gwen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is funny. How sweet.